MGC Summer Missionary Trip - 2021
Olivehurst / Yuba City
Mon. June 14th – Sun. June 27th
Immediate Objective
Two-week local missionary trip this June, very similar to previous years’ trips to Ukraine, with the goal of severely saturating this area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and to begin a weekly small-group type service which will be supported by the MGC missionary department after the trip is completed.
Long-Term Goal
The missionary trip is part of a larger plan, tentatively named Operation Olivehurst. A prelaunch is planned for mid-May during which weekly gatherings with Petr’s new-believer employees (along with their friends & family) will be initiated. Though this operation would be similar to a church plant, we will call it an “outreach discipleship gathering” until at least the end of the year 2021. Petr Smolin, Vadim Demchuk, and Daniel Borisov are committed to attend these gathering at minimum until New Year’s Eve, by which point more details will be available for consideration of an official “MGC Sister Church – Olivehurst” designation.
- Petr Smolin
- Vadim Demchuk
- Daniel Borisov
- Daniel Melnik
- Yuriy Chiley
- Alex Kuznetsov
- Alex Yaroshevich
- MGC Missionary Dept.
- MGA Staff & Youth
- Igor Karpuk & Co.
- Nick/Galina Lutsik & Sunday School
- Alla Karpuk & GDTM
- Igor Lomov
The missionary trip is available to anybody first and foremost from MGC, but also from other local Biblical congregations. Missionary Gospel Academy graduates (and future students) are especially welcome to join!
Specific daily activities are tentatively detailed in the schedule below; most evening events will occur at Olivehurst Community Park and the location for Sunday services will be Petr Smolin’s shop* – available for gathering free of charge. Those who commit to stay in Olivehurst for the full trip duration will be housed in an AirBnB rental home in Yuba City (across the river from Olivehurst). Transportation to the AirBnB and around Olivehurst will be provided on the MGC bus; the bus will leave from MGC around 4PM on Monday, June 14th and arrive back at MGC around 7PM on Sunday, June 27th. Breakfast and some dinners will be made in the homes while lunch and some dinners will be eaten either at local restaurants or at the park during the event. Those who can come and serve on select days only can register for the days they will be available; once an online application is submitted, a registry link will be emailed.
This missionary trip and discipleship group is intended and designed for English- speaking American people; therefore, most activities and services will be in English. On occasion, when Slavic speakers participate, translation to English will be arranged.
Transportation, housing, and food will be provided by the MGC missionary department for those dedicating to at least one full week of the mission trip; literature, tools, and other necessary materials will also be provided. For those coming for the weekend or a few days here-and-there, only food will be provided.