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Welcome to the Missions page.  Here you’ll find information on the Missionary Gospel Academy, outreach opportunities, and information on the Pro-Life ministry.

A one-semester missionary crash-course designed for passionate Church members, with an emphasis on practically training and discipling believers from all age and status groups to take every opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A general variety of topics will be covered but interns will be encouraged and mentored to study deeper into areas of personal ministry interest. Though this course is designed for M.G.C., members of other congregations are more than welcome to apply as well. Our motto is INSPIRE, EQUIP, SEND: Inspire believers to seek a personal calling in outreach ministry within their local congregations, Equip them with foundational knowledge and practical training experience, and Send them into dedicated ministry with specific resources for their particular field of outreach. 

(Romans 10:15 – it is the Savior Who does the sending)

Two-week local missionary trip this June, very similar to previous years’ trips to Ukraine, with the goal of severely saturating this area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and to begin a weekly small-group type service which will be supported by the MGC missionary department after the trip is completed.

Not only make abortion illegal and unthinkable, but more importantly proclaim the hope of the Gospel to those who are considering or have already committed an abortion.